Pedro Liedo
Pedro Liedo

PhD Candidate

About Me

Welcome! I am a PhD student in Agricultural and Resource Economics at UC Davis.

I am on the job market this fall (AY 2024-2025).

I’m mostly interested in Environmental and Public Economics. My job market paper studies the effect of tax avoidance on the composition of the vehicle fleet and its environmental implications in Mexico. I also do research on land use change and fuel transition related to the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard.

I enjoy soccer, cooking, biking, skiing, and playing the drums.

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Job Market Paper
Work in progress

UC Davis (Evaluations)

  • Applied Economics Research Workshop. (Instructor, Undergraduate) Syllabus

  • Financial Management of the Firm. (TA, Undergraduate)

University of Chicago

  • Analytical Politics. (TA, Graduate)Book

ITAM (Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico)

  • Introductory Microeconomics (Instructor, Undergraduate)

  • Energy and Environmental Economics (TA, Undergraduate)

  • Introductory Microeconomics (TA, Undergraduate)